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Walt Disney's movie "Pinocchio"... First review... nice illustration...
Walt Disney's movie "Pinocchio"... First review... nice illustration...
Item # 695378
February 08, 1940
NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 8, 1940
* Disney's animated movie "Pinocchio"
* Introduced to the World
Page 18 has the first review of the new animated movie from the Disney Studios, "Pinocchio". This was their second animated movie following on the heels of the wildly successful "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs".
The very favorable review begins: "If Westbrook Pegler could write...that Walt Disney's "Snow White" was the happiest event since the armistice, we can report confidently this morning that Mr. Disney's "Pinocchio" is the happiest event since the war..." with much more (see photos for portions).
The review includes a two column photo from the movie showing both Pinocchio and Jiminy Cricket.
Complete in 44 pages, rag edition in great condition.
Category: The 20th Century