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Nice reports from the French & Indian War...
Nice reports from the French & Indian War...
Item # 695152
March 15, 1757
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, March 15, 1757
* French and Indian War in America
Page 6 has almost half a column headed: "America" being a letter from an officer in Lord John Murray's regiment at Schenectady, New York.
It has some nice items from the French & Indian War, a few bits including: "...two days at New York when we were ordered to join the regiment at Albany...gone up to attack Crown Point, but upon the taking of Oswego, the French began to shew themselves about Lake George...we encamped and entrenched ourselves, expecting the enemy...suspected we were to attack them..." with more.
Eight pages, 8 1/4 by 11 1/2 inches, never-trimmed margins, full red tax stamp on page 2, nice condition.
Category: British