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Thomas Edison on the possibilities of his new phonograph...
Thomas Edison on the possibilities of his new phonograph...
Item # 694611
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May 03, 1878
* Thomas Edison & his Phonograph machine
Page 2 has a wonderful article taking two-thirds of a column, headed: "The Future Phonograph" "Edison Speaks For Himself--He Tells What the Machine Will Do for Future Generations".
The full article is shown in the photos, however a few bits include: "...describing his curious & valuable inertia the talking phonograph...the possibilities are illimitable...The phonograph will undoubtedly be liberally devoted to music. A song sun on the phonograph is reproduced with marvelous accuracy...A doll which will speak, sing, cry or laugh in a natural voice may be promised our children for the next Christmas...The phonograph will revolutionize the telephone & telegraph by giving them a voice..." and so much more.
Four pages, large folio size, rejoined at the spine, nice condition. Folder size noted is for the issue folded in half.
Category: Post-Civil War