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The South to force slaves into the military...

Item # 694453

December 20, 1864

DAILY EXAMINER, Richmond, Virginia, Dec. 20, 1864  

* Rare rebel publication

Not just a newspaper from the Confederacy, but from the capital of the Confederate states.
The front page has: "The War News" with subheads "Southwestern Virginia" & "Savannah". Also: "City Intelligence" "A Timely Invention" "The Soldiers' Christmas Dinner" "The Commissary General of Prisoners" "The Courts" "The Raid In Western Virginia" and "High Prices of Negroes"  plus many ads, including one: "$2,000 Reward" for a runaway slave, with details.
The back page has the always interesting editorial, beginning: "That the campaign in Northern Tennessee has concluded disastrously for us, we have no doubt...". Another report begins: "The Bill for impressment of slaves, which has passed one branch of Congress, might be very properly enlarged & amended in the other...by placing the disposal of the military authorities, not 40,000 negroes but eighty or one hundred thousand, & by leaving it to General Lee...to use them in any way he may think needful...".
There is also much reporting from the "Confederate States Congress" & "The Virginia Legislature", in addition to: "Latest News From the North" with subheads: "Stanton's Bulletins" "Official Account of General Thomas--to the President of the U.S., Hon. Edwin Stanton, & Lieut. General U.S. Grant" "Canby's Raid in Mississippi" "Washington News--Unemployed General Officers" "Panick in Canada". And a notable subhead: "Savannah Captured!"
Complete as a single sheet newspaper with a one column masthead, typical in Southern newspapers late in the war as most paper mills were in the North. Very nice condition.

Category: Confederate