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Nice report from the French & Indian War...

Item # 693565

June 03, 1760

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 3, 1760  Page 6 has reports headed: "America" with a Philadelphia dateline. Bits include: "...all the usual preparations of war going on...Necessity has obliged the General to send 1800 men to Charles Town in South Carolina where the Cherokees are doing all possible mischief, & have made irruptions into the heart of the province...General Monckton...is to command in the place of Mr. Stanwix...He is to go...down the Ohio or to Fort Detroit between the great lakes Erie and Huron...General Amherst...is to go to Quebec with reinforcements to compleat the conquest, whilst General Gage is to attempt Montreal by the way of Lake Champlain..." with more on the French & Indian War.
Page 5 is mostly taken up with a lengthy article: "A Case...by a Physician of America, Confirming a Method of Cure in Melancholick Disorders...".
Eight pages, 8 by 10 3/4 inches, very nice condition.

Category: The 1600's and 1700's