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Destruction of the 'Nauvoo Expositor' by Joseph Smith... Early report of John Sutter...
Destruction of the 'Nauvoo Expositor' by Joseph Smith... Early report of John Sutter...
Item # 692952
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June 25, 1844
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., June 25, 1844
* Destruction of the "Nauvoo Expositor"
* Prelude to Joseph Smith's murder
* Mormons - Mormonism
The front page has one of those little gem reports collectors seek: very early mention of a name that would be notable years later.
Printed here is a letter which says in part: "...the following communication from J. A. Sutter, the Alcalde of the new town of New Helvetia, on the river Sacramento, one of the branches of the San Francisco. All parties by land from the Oregon, or from the United States to California, touch at this establishment first; and most of the emigrants on land from the States since 1840 have settled near Mr. Sutter...".
And what follows is a wonderful--and quite rare--letter signed by: J. A. Sutter concerning Fremont's expedition.
Of course it was at John Sutter's mill where gold was discovered in 1848.
Also, page 3 has a notable report in Mormon history headed: "Troubles in Illinois" noting the destruction of the newspaper "Nauvoo Expositor" and its printing press.
The Expositor was a recently-created newspaper by former Mormons who had left the church, and which was very critical of Joseph Smith. Consequently he had the paper destroyed.
It begins with an editorial noting: "...If the corporate authorities of Nauvoo, or which Joe Smith is the head, can compass their lawless ends...then similar measures may serve to rid them of all persons who may become obnoxious to them...If the authorities of Illinois had any respect for themselves--any regard for the law--they would at once adopt measures to put an end to these arbitrary acts...".
Following this is the account of the destruction of the newspaper, providing much detail. Smith would soon be jailed for inciting a riot, and it was when he was in jail that a mob murdered him and his brother, Hiram on June 27.
Four pages, very nice condition.
Category: Pre-Civil War