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Terrific news items from the Gold Rush
Terrific news items from the Gold Rush
Item # 692466
August 14, 1849
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Aug. 14, 1849 Page 3 has an article: "California Matters" which takes over a full column with a wide variety of reports. Included is: "...an outline of the measures to be submitted to the Convention for framing a State Government..." which lists eleven items. Then there is nearly a full column with a great wealth of reports concerning the gold diggings. Just too much interesting reading to note here--some seen in the photos.
Page 3 also has: "A Proclamation" signed by the President: Z. Taylor, concerning an invasion of Cuba. Fully half of page 2 is taken up with: "Letters From Rio de Janeiro".
Four pages, very nice condition.
Category: Pre-Civil War