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On the Mormons... Alcoholic congressmen...
On the Mormons... Alcoholic congressmen...
Item # 692181
August 10, 1850
THE GREENSBOROUGH PATRIOT, (Greensboro), North Carolina, August 10, 1850 Rarely are we able to secure antebellum newspapers from this city.
Page 2 has a nice article: "Locusts, Crickets and Gulls of the Salt Lake Country" which is: "...an interesting account of his visit to the Mormon encampment in the western deserts. They were out casts from Missouri and Illinois, who had founded the Territory of Deseret. The following is an extract from the pamphlet:" which follows.
Page 3 has: "Intemperance of Member of Congress" noting in part: "...some members of the Senate & House of Representatives are so habitually intoxicated as to be utterly incapable of intelligently discharging their duties...that no less than four Senators were seen reeling drunk on the Avenue at one time, & all together...Members in such a condition are totally incompetent to perform their duties & should have no vote...".
Four pages, very nice condition.
Category: Pre-Civil War