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From 1887 Florida: the navel orange, and Florida & California compared...

Item # 691229

May 30, 1887

THE FLORIDA DISPATCH, Jacksonville, May 30, 1887  Noted in the masthead: "Official Organ Of The Florida Fruit Growers' Assoc. & the Florida Fruit & Vegetable Growers' Protective Assoc." with the content, and the ads, focused on such.
Inside includes an interesting report: "The Naval Orange" which notes in part: "...the general reader knows very little of this variety of the citrus family. Most of us have seen it only through a California fog...".
The navel orange comes from Brazil. Seedlings were brought to Florida in the 1830's and California in the early 1870's, and in 1875 the orange tree began producing its first fruit in the United States. 
Also within: "California vs. Florida Oranges" and: "California vs. Florida" which compares the two states, noting in part concerning Calif: "...It never rains in this God-forsaken land more than 2 or 3 days in a year; it is a fact that for the last 6 months I have been here I have not seen a single drop of rain fall...there are no birds, only lizards and rattlesnakes...Neither trees nor flowers are to be seen, nor anything green...Then to close my description, fancy an average temperature of 100 all day and 90 all night, and you will not be surprised to know that I long for a Florida summer."
Handsome masthead, 20 pages, 10 1/4 by 13 1/4 inches, small binding slits at the spine, nice condition.

Category: Post-Civil War