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1862 Battle Of Antietam...

Item # 691160

September 20, 1862

NEW-YORK TIMES, Sept. 20, 1862  

* Battle of Antietam
* Sharpsburg, Maryland
* Bloodiest single-day battle

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "GREAT VICTORY" "The Rebel Army in Full Flight Out of Maryland The Dead and Wounded Left Behind" "Our Cavalry Pushing Them Across the Potomac" "The Whole National Army in Good Condition" "Further Details of the Great Battle of Wednesday" "Official Dispatches from Gen. McClellan" "He Announces A Complete Victory".
The third column has: "Battle of Antietam Creek" "Full Particulars from Our Special Correspondent" "The Most Stupendous Struggle of Modern Times" "The Battle Won by Consummate Generalship" "The Rebel Losses Estimated as High as Thirty Thousand" "A Great Number Of Prisoners Captured"  and in the last column: "The Battle Of Wednesday" "Another Detailed Account of the Great Struggles" and more.
Eight pages, very nice condition.

Category: Yankee