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Lincoln's post-Gettysburg annual message, and his Proclamation...
Lincoln's post-Gettysburg annual message, and his Proclamation...
Item # 691128
December 10, 1863
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Dec. 10, 1863
* President Abraham Lincoln
* State of the Union Address
* Year of Battle of Gettysburg
From the midst of the Civil War with front page column heads including: "The President's Message" "Proclamation of Freedom Maintained" "Number of Slaves in Government Service" "Important Proclamation to the Rebels" "Plan for Reconstructing Southern States" which carries over to the back page.
Over half of page 3 is: "The President's Message" being the annual state-of-the-union address signed in type: Abraham Lincoln. This is followed by: "The following Proclamation is appended to the Message:" which has the complete text of the: 'Proclamation" signed: Abraham Lincoln, in which Lincoln makes an offer to the Confederates States to re-join the Union. Following this are "Documents Accompanying President's Message". Another page has a nice editorial on the message, headed: The President's Message" . Also includes work on "The Statue of Freedom".
Twelve pages, very nice condition.
Category: Yankee