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Trial of the Lincoln conspirators, from the city where it happened...
Trial of the Lincoln conspirators, from the city where it happened...
Item # 690704
May 26, 1865
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., May 26, 1865
* Trial of the conspirators - assassins
* re. Abraham Lincoln's assassination
Part of page 1 and over half of page 2 are taken up with: "THE CONSPIRACY" "Trial Of The Accused" "The Proceedings On Yesterday" with a great wealth of verbatim testimony.
Also within: "Davis Reported To Be In Irons" "Davis's and Clay's Families Sent South" "Address of General Forrest - His Advice To His Soldiers" "Surrender of Guerrilla Chiefs Refused" "Surrender of a Party of Rebels" "From Jefferson City - A Notorious Desperado Shot".
Great to have this content in a newspaper from the nation's capital.
Four pages, large folio size, minor tears at the margins and a piece from the right margins affecting only ads. Folder size noted is for the issue folded in half.
Category: Yankee