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Very lengthy account of the Battle of Manassas...

Item # 690634

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August 20, 1861

THE WORTLD, New York, Aug. 20, 1861  

* First Battle of Bull Run
* Manassas, Virginia
* Confederate victory

Fully half of the front page is taken up with: "THE BATTLE OF BULL RUN" "Mr. Russell's Account of the Rout" "Consequences of the Defeat".
This very detailed account of the first major battle of the Civil War continues on to page 5 where it takes over a full column.
Much other Civil War reporting as well including first column heads as shown.
Eight pages, never bound nor trimmed so it folds out to one large sheet, a small hole at the fold juncture of the front leaf, fold foxing, and wear at the margins.

Category: Yankee