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First printing of "The Blue and the Gray"...
First printing of "The Blue and the Gray"...
Item # 690307 THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY, (Boston), September, 1867
* Francis Miles Finch
* The Blue and the Gray
* 1st printing (nationally)
This literary magazine contains the *first nationally distributed printing of the famous Civil War themed poem by Francis Miles Finch, "The Blue and the Gray." The preface to the poem is a quote from the New York Tribune, providing context: "The women of Columbus, Mississippi, animated by nobler sentiments than are many of their sisters, have shown themselves impartial in their offerings made to the memory of the dead. They strewed flowers alike on the graves of the Confederate and of the National soldiers." See the images for the full text of this touching verse.
Other items of literary interest are found throughout (see images).
Contains 118 pages, 6 by 9 inches, great condition.
*Note: While the poem was also printed in The Planters' Banner (a local newspaper of Franklin, LA) on September 14, 1867, and there is some dispute as to where it first appeared, all agree the printing in The Atlantic Monthly was its first printing with national distribution.
Category: The Civil War