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The Monitor versus the Merrimac... Lincoln's strategy for emancipation...

Item # 689605

March 15, 1862


* Abraham Lincoln on Emancipation
* Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack (CSS Virginia)

A wonderful issue on the historic naval battle between the Monitor & the Merrimack, with much on other war reports as well.
The front page has a nice Civil War map: "Field Of Operations On the Potomac" with related reports as well as: "Capture of Brunswick, Ga." "Fernandina Also Captured" and more.
Page 2 is almost entirely taken up with the naval actions at Hampton Roads with heads: "NAVAL ACTION IN HAMPTON ROADS" "Engagement With Rebel Iron-Clad Boats" "The Floating Battery Monitor Engages the Merrimack" "The Rebel Merrimack Driven Off" "Official Report of the Affair". There is also a nice print of: "The Ericsson Floating Battery Monitor" with descriptive text.
Page 5 has a map: "Scene Of The Merrimac's Exploits" and a print of: "The Rebel Monster Merrimack" with much related text.
Page 6 begins with over a half column containing the: "MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT" "Highly Important Proposition" "The Gradual Abolition of Slavery" "A Vigorous Blow at the Hopes of the Rebels", the document signed ion type: Abraham Lincoln. The document provides a remedy which would eventually bring about the emancipation of slaves.
Eight pages, never-trimmed margins, a few older archival mends, generally nice condition.

Category: Yankee