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Full front page Civil War map of the Mississippi Valley...
Full front page Civil War map of the Mississippi Valley...
Item # 689179
March 08, 1862
NEW YORK HERALD, March 8, 1862
* Rare full front page Civil War map - Mississippi Valley
* Missouri, Tennessee, Illinois, Arkansas, Kentucky and more
The front page is entirely taken up with a map headed: "THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY; The Points of Interest Between Nashville, Tennessee and Arkansas, and the Gibraltars of the Rebels". Also a small page 3 map titled: "Scene of Operations of General Banks".
Some one column headlines inside include: "IMPORTANT FROM TENNESSEE" "The Union Troops In Nashville" "'Hail Columbia' and 'Yankee Doodle' in Nashville" and more.
Twelve pages, very nice, displayable condition.
Category: Yankee