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Many war-related prints...

Item # 689143

February 07, 1863

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, Feb. 7, 1863  The front page shows: "The Night Burial At Sea--Funeral Rites to a Dead Volunteer...". 
Prints within include: "Grand Requiem Mass In St. Patrick's Cathedral" "The Capture of Galveston--Blowing Up of the U.s. Gunboat Westfield..." "Butchering & Dressing Cattle for Distribution to the Union Army" "Union Soldiers Shooting Cattle for the Supply of the Army" "Camp Saxton" "Mitchellville" "The Rebel Ironclads in Charleston Harbor" and more.
Sixteen pages, some tears at a lower corner, small piece from an upper corner effects nothing.

Category: Yankee