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Rare mention of the 'Mormon Battalion' during the Mexican War...

Item # 688635

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March 20, 1847

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, March 20, 1847 

* Mormons Battalion - Mormonism
* Only U.S. military religious unit ever
* Mexican-American War

Near the top of an inside page has a brief yet notable report: "Letters received also state that Col. Cook and the Mormon battalion were 350 miles beyond Santa Fe. They were generally in good health and progressing slowly."
This is a very rare mention of the 'Mormon Battalion', which was the only religious unit in U.S. military history in federal service recruited solely from one religious body & having a religious title as the unit designation. They served from July, 1846 to July, 1847 during the Mexican War.
The top of the front page ha a report: "The New Planet" which was named Neptune. Page 3 has: "Slave Case" in Ohio, as well as many detailed reports concerning the: "War With Mexico".
Sixteen pages, 8 3/4 by 12 inches, nice condition.

As noted in Wikipedia, this title: "...(was) one of the most widely-circulated magazines in the United States...Devoted primarily to politics...considered an important source for the history of the period."

Category: Pre-Civil War