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On paying Callender $50 to publish his book attacking Washington, Adams & Hamilton...
On paying Callender $50 to publish his book attacking Washington, Adams & Hamilton...
Item # 688619
October 09, 1802
GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES, Philadelphia, Oct. 9, 1802 Page 2 has two letters written by Thomas Jefferson to James Callender regarding their controversial relationship. One of the letters, the rather famous letter dated September 6, 1799 (found on many websites) mentions: "...directs his agent to call on ;ou with this and pay you 50 dollars on account of the book you are about to publish..." being his "The Prospect Before Us" in which Callender attacked Jefferson, Adams & Hamilton, political rivals of Jefferson.
James Callender was one of America's earliest "scandalmongers". A political journalist, his writings were often controversial. He curried favor with Republican interests early on, landing a job with Benjamin Franklin Bache’s newspaper, the Aurora General Advertiser. Firing darts at Federalists like Washington, Adams, and Hamilton made him good friends with Republicans like Jefferson. In fact, Jefferson called Callender “a man of genius”.
He became a central figure in the press wars between the Federalist and Democratic-Republican parties. Pleased with Callender's attacks on his rivals Hamilton & Adams, Jefferson viewed him as journalistic ally, even supporting Callender financially.
But Callender's attack on President Adams had him jailed under the Sedition Act. But after Jefferson won the presidency he pardoned Callender, who then solicited employment as a postmaster which he felt was owed him by Jefferson. Jefferson denied it.Callender then began publishing existing rumors claiming President Jefferson had children with slave Sally Hemings.
Four pages, slightly irregular at the spine, nice condition.
Category: Pre-Civil War