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Boston newspaper with Loyalist leanings... Opinions on Massachusetts clergy re the Charter...
Boston newspaper with Loyalist leanings... Opinions on Massachusetts clergy re the Charter...
Item # 688492
December 26, 1768
THE BOSTON CHRONICLE, December 26, 1768 The publisher of this newspaper had Loyalist leanings, causing its demise before the formal outbreak of the Revolutionary War.
All of pages 1 & 2 are taken up with a continued report on: "Voltaire on History". Page 3 has: "The Opinions of the Ministers of the colony of the Massachusetts...upon this question--Whether to Surrender the charter, or suffer judgment to go against it?" (see photos), and further on is: "The Speech of His Excellency William Tryon...Commander in Chief in & over the Province of North Carolina". Other politically-related reports as well.
Eight pages, 8 1/4 by 10 1/2 inches, very nice condition. A nice opportunity for a colonial Boston newspaper at an attractive price.
This newspaper published only briefly from December 21, 1767 until 1770. The publishers, John Mein and John Fleeming, were both from Scotland. The Chronicle was a Loyalist paper in the time before the American Revolution. In its second year, Mein printed names in the paper that accused some colonial merchants of breaking a British non-importation agreement. In response, Mein's name appeared on a list of merchants who violated the trade agreement. Mein retaliated by accusing the Merchants' Committee of using the non-importation agreement for illegal profiteering. The irritated readership ransacked the offices of the Chronicle, and ultimately, it ceased operations in 1770. (credit Wikipedia)
Category: The 1600's and 1700's