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Jackson vetoes the Bank Bill...

Item # 688227

July 14, 1832

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 14, 1832  

* The Bank War - Bill
* President Andrew Jackson veto

Most of page 2 is taken up with the; "Message From the President of the United States, Returning the Bank Bill to the Senate with His Objections" which is signed by him: Andrew Jackson, and dated at Washington, July 10, 1832.
In this veto message, President Jackson passionately rejects a bill that rechartered the Bank of the United States. He argues that the Bank gives privilege and unfair advantage to a wealthy few at the expense of the public, and he opposes foreign ownership of Bank stock.
Page 3 has a related editorial headed: "The Bank Veto".
Great to have this notable document in this famous newspaper from the nation's capital.
Four pages, a bit irregular at the blank spine from disbinding, nice condition.

Category: Pre-Civil War