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Lincoln is tough on peace... Jeff Davis comments...
Lincoln is tough on peace... Jeff Davis comments...
Item # 688050
February 10, 1865
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Feb. 10, 1865
* Peace conference
* Confederate mission
* Abraham Lincoln
* Final months of war
Among the front page one column heads on the Civil War are: "The Fight on Monday Last" "Difficult Nature of the Country" 'Temporary Defeat of the Union Forces" "Our Losses Thus Far About 800" "Union Lines Extended Four Miles" "THE PEACE FAILURE" "Jeff. Davis's Message Thereon" which includes a lengthy letter to the Confederate Congress signed in type: Jefferson Davis; "Lincoln Will Not Hear Of Disunion" "He Demands Submission to the Constitution & the Laws" "Ravings of the Rebel Press" & more.
Eight pages, subscription label in the masthead, slightly irregular at the spine margin, good condition.
Category: Yankee