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Entire front page is a huge Civil War map...
Entire front page is a huge Civil War map...
Item # 688049
May 30, 1864
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, May 30, 1864
* Rare full front page Civil War map
* Ulysses S. Grant's Overland Campaign
Civil War maps on the front pages of daily newspapers were relatively few, and even fewer were those large enough to take over half the page. But just an exceedingly few Civil War newspapers had the entire front page taken up with a map. This is one.
The map is headed: "GRANT'S GREAT CAMPAIGN--THE APPROACHES TO RICHMOND." and has a caption at the bottom: "MAP OF THE COUNTRY WITHIN THIRTY MILES OF THE REBEL CAPITAL." The map shows much detail, showing from Chesterfield Station south to Petersburg with Richmond near the center.
War reports are found on pages 4, 6, and 8 with over half a column of the back page taken up with war-related heads.
Eight pages, slightly irregular at the spine, nice condition.
Category: Yankee