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Jefferson's annual message, with mention of Lewis & Clark...
Jefferson's annual message, with mention of Lewis & Clark...
Item # 687914
December 11, 1806
INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Dec. 11, 1806 Beginning on the front page & concluding on patge 2 is the: "President's "Message" communicated to Congress, it being Jefferson's state-of-the-union address to the nation.
Of significance is some fine mention of the Lewis and Clark expedition which appears on the front page: "...The expedition of Messrs. Lewis and Clarke [sic]...has all the success which could have been expected....it is but justice to say that Messrs. Lewis and Clark, and their brave companions, have, by this arduous service, deserved well of their country." There is a second reference to these two explorers as well.
The address is signed by the President at its conclusion: Th. Jefferson. Great to have the Lewis & Clark mention on the front page.
Four pages, archival strengthening at the irregular spine, some foxing, generally good condition.
Category: Pre-Civil War