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Condition of the 'colored race'... Planning for the railroad...

Item # 687865

June 16, 1853

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., June 16, 1853  Among the page 3 articles are: "Surveys For the Pacific Railroad" which reports on the work being done to find an appropriate route for an Atlantic-to-Pacific railroad, not to be completed until 1869.
Also: "Condition of the Colored Race" which has interesting commentary, including; "...condition of the free black or colored population in the States, slave as well as non-slaveholding, shows concussively that emancipation...would be no great boon to the African race..." with much more.
Also: "On The Right Of Suffrage" concerns voting rights for all.
Four pages, very nice condition.

Category: Pre-Civil War