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On the Battle of Fredericksburg...
On the Battle of Fredericksburg...
Item # 687507
December 19, 1862
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Dec. 19, 1862
* Battle of Fredericksburg aftermath
* General Ambrose E. Burnside
Among the front page column heads relating to the Battle of Fredericksburg: "From General Burnside's Army" "The Burial of the Dead Completed" "What Rebel Officers Say of the Battle" "A Force of 500,000 Could Not Carry the Heights" "The Rebels Took About 800 Prisoners" "List of Wounded in Doubleday's Division & Others" with more.
The Battle of Fredericksburg would be a major defeat for the Union forces and involved 200,000 combatants, the largest number of any Civil War battle. Losses for the Union forces were over 12,000.
Eight pages, great condition.
Category: Yankee