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1952 Gen. Francis Dodd hostage release...
1952 Gen. Francis Dodd hostage release...
Item # 687391
May 12, 1952
THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 12, 1952
* General Francis Dodd
* Korean War hostage release
* Geojedo Island, South Korea
The top of the front page has a three column photo with heading: "Released General Greeted On Arrival In Seoul" Also a one column heading: "NEWS ON GEN. DODD WITHHELD BY ARMY AS INQUIRY STARTS" with subheads. (see)
Complete with 44 pages, light toning at the margins, nice condition.
wikipedia notes: Francis Townsend Dodd was a U.S. Army brigadier general held hostage by North Korean POWs during a camp uprising when he was commander of the United Nations-administered prisoner-of-war camps on Koje Island during the Korean War. The incident led to a North Korean propaganda victory after the Army was forced to make embarrassing admissions to secure Dodd's release. Dodd and others involved in the incident subsequently suffered career-ending damage to their reputations.
Category: The 20th Century