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Americans entitled to defend themselves....
Americans entitled to defend themselves....
Item # 687345
March 02, 1776
THE PENNSYLVANIA LEDGER, Philadelphia, March 2, 1776
* Rare Revolutionary War era title
* Tory issue from Pennsylvania
The top of the front page has a brief item from London: "Yesterday five petitions for stopping the proceedings against the Americans were presented to his Majesty at St. James's." Also mention that: "The 33d regiment of foot, of which Lord Cornwallis is colonel, is ordered to America instead of the 52nd. Lord Cornwallis is to command the expedition to South Carolina and Virginia."
There is also much discussion in the House of Commons beginning: "On the second reading of Lord North's bill for prohibiting all trade & intercourse with the colonies in rebellion, the following clause was objected to..." with much more. Also: "It is confidently reported that Gen. Gage advices an immediate reconciliation with Americas by all means, and that General Burgoyne seconds his opinion."
Much of page 2 has much on: "The following is a Copy of the Bill for Composing the Present Troubles & for Quieting the Minds of his Majesty's Subjects in America, intended to have been presented to the House of Commons last week...".
Page 3 has a Declaration by the Convention of Maryland concerning the troubles with England. It contains some great reporting and ends with: "...The endeavours of the British ministry to carry those attempts into execution by military force, have been their only motive for taking up arms, and defending themselves again\st those endeavours, is the only use they mean to make of them. Entitled to freedom, they are determined to maintain it at the hazard of their lives and fortunes."
This is followed by a letter from Quebec mentioning the failure of the Americans in front of Quebec: "It was thought by many that after our late misfortune we were too weak to maintain our ground & many talked of retreating...the remaining troops to be under the command of col. Arnold, who is wounded in his leg..." with more.
Reports from the New Jersey General Assembly including several Resolves, including: "That reports of Independency in the apprehension of this house are groundless. Resolved, That it be recommended to the Delegates of the colony to use their utmost endeavours for the obtaining a redress of American grievances & for restoring the union between the colonies & Great Britain upon constitutional principles..." and more.
The back page has a lengthy Petition of the people of Worcester, Massachusetts, "To the King's Most Excellent Majesty".
Four pages, Royal coat-of-arms in the masthead, numeric notations in margins next to ads (this was the editor's copy), nice condition.
Category: Revolutionary War