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Battle of Valcour Island... Military skirmishes...
Battle of Valcour Island... Military skirmishes...
Item # 687343
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November 02, 1776
THE PENNSYLVANIA LEDGER, Philadelphia, Nov. 2, 1776
* Battle of Valcour Island - Lake Champlain
* Early United States Navy - naval encounter
* Benedict Arnold - American Revolutionary War
* Great year to have (1776)
(editor's copy) This was a decidedly Tory newspaper, supportive of the British efforts in America. This newspaper ended publication in June, 1778 when the British evacuated the city.
Inside pages have various reports concerning the Revolutionary War including: "...as Capt. Harding, in a Connecticut brig of war, was going up the Sound from a cruise he was attacked by the Merlin ship of war when a very warm engagement ensued..." with more. Also another naval account, plus a letter from an officer at fort Stanwix noting in part: "Part of the 3rd battalion of New Jersey troops...send a sergeant & four men to reconnoitre towards Oswego...traveled about 60 miles, were fired on early one morning by a party of 10 Indians...could not return the fire..." with more on the skirmish. Also included are some details on the Battle of Valcour Island: "...on the defeat of our vessels on the Lake under General Arnold, Crown Point, which was occupied as an out post was evacuated by Col. Hartley...they brought off all the cannon & military stores & got safe to Ticonderoga..." and more.
Page 3 begins with a letter from Fort Lee concerning a military encounter, plus also a letter from White Plains noting: "...we have had several very successful skirmishes with the enemy in killed & prisoners...the enemy advanced towards our lines in full view of head quarters...soon dispersed by our artillery. The latter attacked several of our regiments when a warm engagement began & now continues with great fury...".
Four pages, numeric notations in margins next to ads (this was the editor's copy), very nice, clean condition.
Category: Revolutionary War