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Nice reporting on the war in the South...

Item # 687291

January 25, 1781


* Rare Revolutionary War title from America

A very handsome issue as the masthead features an engraving taken from one done by Paul Revere for colonial currency at the time. It is a very patriotic device showing a soldier with a sword in one hand and a scroll with 'Independence' in the other, with the words 'Appeal To Heaven" above him.
Most of the front page is taken up with a letter: "To the Inhabitants of the Massachusetts, Friends & Countrymen" in which the author dwells upon the current state of the colonies. It begins: "Will you suffer one who is neither Governor, Senator, or Representative, Debtor or Creditor, to address you upon the present important crisis of your public affairs...".
Also on the ftpg. is a Resolve from the Mass. Legislature concerning the raising of troops in Massachusetts, signed in type by the governor: John Hancock.
Page 2 has a letter signed by Richd. Langdon, President of Harvard College, regarding a visit to Charleston, South Carolina. Then a document signed by the governor of Mass: John Hancock. And then another document signed: John Hancock concerning the quota of men required to meet the needs of the Continental Army.
Page 3 has a report from Paris of: "...a very fine train of new brass ordnance, consisting of twelve 18 pounders with several large mortars, with 32 pounders, with several large mortars, with tumbrells, etc. compete, are ready to be embarked as a present from the Court of Versailles to the United States of America."
Also on page 3 is a report that: "...on the 10th instant Col. Tarlton's legion...received a severe repulse in an attempt to surprise Colonels Marian and Clarke, who...were posted in the district of Ninety-Six; upwards of 1200 of the enemy were left dead on the field...Our loss does not exceed 20 killed and wounded...". Then a report from Fishkill regarding military events there.
Four pages, some archival preservation work, bit of foxing at folds, nice condition.

Category: Revolutionary War