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Articles of Confederation are working... Traitor Arnold...

Item # 687290

July 05, 1781


* Articles of Confederation are now in force
* American Revolutionary War - Benedict Arnold

A very handsome issue as the masthead features an engraving taken from one done by Paul Revere for colonial currency at the time. It is a very patriotic device showing a soldier with a sword in one hand an a scroll with 'Independence' in the other, with the words 'Appeal To Heaven" above him.
Close to half of the front page is taken up with a document from the Massachusetts Legislature concerning soldiers who had enlisted in the Continental Army for three years, with various details. It is signed in type: John Hancock who was governor at the time, as well as by Samuel Adams.
Page 3 has accounts from the Revolutionary War, a few bits including a letter from Fredericksburg: "...have...been in great confusion here. The enemy are, at present, at a place called Chesterfield, about 35 miles from this town. The Marquis is about 20 miles above this & it is expected general Wayne will join him...enable him to give a check to the future operations of Lord Cornwallis. A body of Maryland militia...are under orders to march immediately for George-Town on Patowmack...Brigadier General Arnold hath left Virginia & gone to New York..." with more. Following this is a nice: "State of the Account between Lord Cornwallis and General Greene".
Also on page 3: "We hear General Arnold is safely arrived at New York from Portsmouth in Virginia...It is said Lord Cornwallis refuses to see him & that the officers in his Lordship's army...refused to serve with him. In consequence of these public marks of contempt, poor Benedict is driven to the old trade of horse-jockeying & foul driving...". A few other items regarding the war including a report from Annapolis which mentions: "Lord North had the impudence to declare, with an air of triumph, to the parliament of Great Britain that the confederation of America was not accomplished & that Maryland had refused to accede to it. The Traitor Arnold, or those whom he employed to write for him, foolishly boasted of the same thing. This confederation is now compleated, & by the confession of our enemies themselves it is an immense advantage we have gained against them..." with more.
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, very nice condition.

Category: Revolutionary War