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Little village of San Francisco is deluged with gold...
Little village of San Francisco is deluged with gold...
Item # 686933
February 17, 1849
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Feb. 17, 1849
* Gold discoveries in village of San Francisco
The front page has: "The Grand Inauguration Ball, at the City Hall Saloon". Page 3 has a curious article on creating a: "Railroad From Lake Michigan to the Pacific".
The back page has: "Incidents In California" which is a letter datelined from San Francisco & noting in part: "...The gold mines in this neighborhood have stirred up the natives to a galvanic activity. This little village is literally deluged with gold, and common laborers are refusing to work in the mines for a hundred dollars a day..." with more.
Four pages, nice condition.
Category: Pre-Civil War