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Great on the situation at the gold fields of California...
Great on the situation at the gold fields of California...
Item # 686932
February 16, 1849
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Feb. 16, 1849 Most of the front page is the: "Speech of Mr. Wm. B. Preston On the Formation of a New State out of the Territories of California and New Mexico".
Page 3 has half a column headed: "From California" which includes news accounts from various letters, a few bits including: "...Among the gold diggers are a great many printers, who are making a vastly more profitable speculation in picking up scales & lumps than they did in New York picking up the types..." and "...Of course we have no law here, and are not likely to have any. Every man is his own legislator, his own judge & jury..." and "...I have been at the diggings something like 3 months & though I have scraped up enough of the dust to make me comfortable for life...I would not go through the same suffering & privations again for ten times the quantity..." and more.
The back page has a report that President Polk: "...intends to vacate the Executive mansion on or about the 1st of March...engaged rooms at the Irving Hotel...until after the inauguration of Gen. Taylor...".
Four pages, nice condition.
Category: Pre-Civil War