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On the Non-Intercourse law... Did the governor die?
On the Non-Intercourse law... Did the governor die?
Item # 686179
July 27, 1809
BOSTON GAZETTE, July 27, 1809 The front page has most of a column taken up with AN ACT...The Amended Non-Intercourse Law." concerning relations with England and France, signed in type by the President: James Madison.
Page 2 has a curious item: "A Danbury paper of July 19 announces...the death of his Excellency Jonathan Trumbull, Esq. This report, we think, and sincerely hope, is premature, as the Hartford Courant of the 24th makes no mention of the death...". This is true, but not by much. The 20th governor of Connecticut would die on Aug. 7.
Four pages, very nice condition.
Category: Pre-Civil War