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Three Acts of Congress signed by George Washington...
Three Acts of Congress signed by George Washington...
Item # 686108
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July 07, 1790
* President George Washington
* Two Acts of U.S. Congress
Most of the middle column on page 2 is taken up with three Acts of Congress, all headed with a nice engraving of a heraldic eagle and each signed in type by: George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson.
Most of page 2 is taken up with reports from congress. Page 3 has several "Appointments" by the President, as well as reports on the celebration of the 4th of July.
The back page has an article: "Catholicism" and a continuation of "The New Constitution of the State of South Carolina", as well as a report of an Indian attack on the Tennessee River.
Four pages, nice condition.
Considered by many as the most significant newspaper of the 18th century, as the Gazette was the mouthpiece of all matters political. Most pronouncements from Congress & the President were printed first in this newspaper.
Category: The 1600's and 1700's