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Alexander Hamilton... Isaac Franks... Knox's War Dept. report...
Alexander Hamilton... Isaac Franks... Knox's War Dept. report...
Item # 686080
January 12, 1791
DUNLAP'S AMERICAN DAILY ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, Jan. 12, 1791 The bottom of page 3 has a letter from the "Treasury Department" signed in type by the Secretary of the Treasury: Alexander Hamilton, to the Speaker of the House of Rep., concerning national financial matters.
Among the many front page ads is one for: "ISAAC FRANKS, Stock and Exchange Broker...Buys and Sells on Commission..." with further details noted in the ad. Franks was a prominent Jewish financier.
Most of page 2 is taken up with a very detailed financial report from the War Dept., which includes the signature in type of: H. Knox, Secretary of War.
Four pages, discrete archival strengthening at the blank spine, nice condition.
Among the many front page ads is one for: "ISAAC FRANKS, Stock and Exchange Broker...Buys and Sells on Commission..." with further details noted in the ad. Franks was a prominent Jewish financier.
Most of page 2 is taken up with a very detailed financial report from the War Dept., which includes the signature in type of: H. Knox, Secretary of War.
Four pages, discrete archival strengthening at the blank spine, nice condition.
Category: The 1600's and 1700's