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Penitent murderer & rapist warns his spectators to take another course...

Item # 685189

October 22, 1726

MIST'S WEEKLY JOURNAL, London, Oct. 22, 1726  

* Rare 18th century title
* Red tax stamp

A quite rare title containing a wide variety of news of the day. Page 2 has a report of penitent yet monstrous murderer & rapist: "Last Monday the notorious John Humphrey was executed here...for several rapes and murders...He was very penitent under condemnation, and at the place of execution behaved very devoutly, giving, in his farewell speech, earnest exhortation to the spectators to shun wicked courses, and take warning by his fatal exit. He made an ample confession of his crimes, and, in particular said, that he kept company with lewd women from 12 years of age. He was hang'd in chains...".
The above report appears in the book "Everyman or a Monster: The Rapist in Early Modern England, c.1600-1750".
Four pages, never-trimmed margins, full red tax stamp on the front page, 9 1/2 by 12 inches, very nice condition.

Category: The 1600's and 1700's