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The Mexican War, with thoughts of California joining the Union... End of the Mormon War...
The Mexican War, with thoughts of California joining the Union... End of the Mormon War...
Item # 685166
October 17, 1846
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Oct. 17, 1846 Page 3 has: "Illinois. The Mormon War ended" which is an interesting account taking close to a full column. It notes in part: "...Articles of capitulation...drawn up to the following effect:..." followed by the four articles, which include: "The Mormon population to leave the State, or disperse immediately." Other interesting content as well.
Also within is much on: "The War With Mexico" with various subheads, taking nearly five pages & including five dispatches signed in type by: Z. Taylor. Other content includes six letters signed in type by: James Buchanan.
Also of significance is: "The Californias" which mentions in part: "...arrival of later news...with rumors that the United States forces had again taken possession of that country, increases the interest which the public naturally feel in a vast tract which by common consent is about to be added to the domain of the Union..." with much more. There are even two mentions of Captain Sutter, at whose mill gold would be discovered 2 years later, beginning the great California Gold Rush of 1849.
Sixteen pages, 8 3/4 by 11 3/4 inches, great condition.
Category: Pre-Civil War