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The Million Man March at the nation's capital...
The Million Man March at the nation's capital...
Item # 684965
October 17, 1995
LOS ANGELES TIMES, Oct. 17, 1995
* Million Man March
* African Americans
* Louis Farrakhan
* National Mall - Wash. D.C.
The nice headline reports on the Million Man March on Washington with: "Black Men, in Show of Unity, Join in 400,000-Strong March". This event was a gathering of African-American men at the National Mall, called by Louis Farrakhan. Also on the ftpg: "Clinton Calls for End to Racism" with more. Coverage--with several more photos--carries over to pages 10-14 and 20+. The ftpg. features a nice color photo captioned: "In a view from the Washington Monument, throng of march participants stretches to the Capitol steps."
The complete sections A,B & C only. Very nice condition.
Category: The 20th Century