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On arresting the murderers of Joseph Smith & his brother...
On arresting the murderers of Joseph Smith & his brother...
Item # 684799
October 15, 1844
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 15, 1844
* Mormons - Mormonism
* Joseph Smith killers arrested
The top of a page 3 column is headed: "From The Mormon Country" which reports on the murderers of Joseph Smith: "...Sharpe and Williams, who fled on his approach, were subsequently arrested. Seventy writs were issued against those concerned in the murder of the Smiths, but most of the accused fled to the Missouri side of the river...".
This is followed by a lengthier report beginning: "Other papers tell a different story...the subsequent arrest was the result of a compromise or treaty...with the individual against whom writs had been issued for the murder of the Smiths..." with more detail.
Four pages, nice condition.
Category: Pre-Civil War