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Morse's telegraph... Millerites driven insane in Vermont...
Morse's telegraph... Millerites driven insane in Vermont...
Item # 684795
November 14, 1844
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, Nov. 14, 1844
* William Millerites - Millerism
* Samuel Morse telegraph success
The front page has a brief yet intriguing article: "More Of Millerism" which reports: "Mr. Addison Davis...says that 26 persons are now in the insane asylum at Brattleboro, Vermont, in consequence of insanity produced by the influence of Millerism."
The Millerites, led by William Miller, believed that the second coming of Jesus would happen in the years 1843 or 1844. His beliefs were taken as predictions, spread widely, and believed by many.
Page 3 has a report about "Morse's Telegraph" that says: "This wonderful invention continues to operate daily with perfect accuracy and facility, and with a rapidity which is difficult to realize. In a few minutes after the arrival of the mails from the East at Baltimore, or from the South at Washington, the election returns are transmitted from one city to the other with the fleetness of thought..." & more about the success and utility of this invention.
Great to have in a Washington paper from the year this invention was first demonstrated between Baltimore & Washington, and also the year the telegraph first began operation.
Four pages, nice condition.
Category: Pre-Civil War