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On the inaugurations of Jefferson Davis, and Abraham Lincoln...
On the inaugurations of Jefferson Davis, and Abraham Lincoln...
Item # 684148
March 16, 1861
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, March 16, 1861
* President Abraham Lincoln
* Rebel leader Jefferson Davis
* Inaugurations w/ prints
The full front page is a nice print of: "The Hon. Jefferson Davis, President-Elect of the New Southern Confederacy, Addressing the Citizens of Montgomery, Ala...Preview to His Inauguration." Inside includes a dramatic print of: "View of the Capitol, Showing the Present State of the Dome" which is under construction.
The doublepage centerfold is a very expansive view of the: "Inauguration of the Sixteenth President of the United States--Scene in Front of the Capitol...Abraham Lincoln, President-Elect, Reading his Inaugural Address Previous to Receiving the Oath of Office...".
Yet another full page shows Lincoln & Buchanan on their way to the capitol to be inaugurated. And another page has much detailed text on the inauguration ceremonies.
Sixteen pages, damp staining at the margin, some extending a bit into prints, plus there is a small, irregular hole thru the middle of each leaf (as if a pencil was poked thru the issue). As such, priced at half that of a nice issue.
Category: Yankee