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Rare issue of this Confederate "Memphis" newspaper printed in Atlanta, Georgia...

Item # 683360

January 16, 1864

THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL, Atlanta, Georgia, Jan. 16, 1864  See the bottom of this listing for the fascinating history of this newspaper.
The front page includes: "General Morgan and his Movements"  "A Brave Missouri Boy" "Cheering the Trans-Mississippi People" "Brilliant Affair in Fanquier" "Capture of a Yankee Train & Yankees" "General Sickles" "Vessels Captured" "The Unanimous Election of Gen. Grant" "Gen. Morgan at the Capitol" and other items.
The back page includes: "Siege of Charleston" "Affairs In Norfolk" "Absentees from the Army" ":Practical Negro Equality" "Letter From Dalton" "Letter From Lewis' Kentucky Brigade" "From the Virginia Army" "Order of Execution" with details; and other items. Included are various advertisements including "Valuable Negroes".
Complete as a single sheet newspaper with a full banner masthead. A bit of spotty paper weakness in spots, generally in very nice, clean condition.

This newspaper had a fascinating history during the Civil War.
Memphis was a Confederate stronghold up through the Battle of Memphis on June 6, 1862, at which time the Yankees moved in and it became a Yankee city. The "Memphis Daily Appeal", dedicated to the Southern cause rallying both civilians & soldiers, it was the most important newspaper of the region, soon famously known as the "Moving Appeal."
On June 6, 1862, the presses and plates were loaded into a boxcar and moved to Grenada, Mississippi, where it stayed for a few months, until approaching Federal troops threatened again, forcing a move in November 1862 to Jackson, Mississippi, where it published until May 1863, when Federal troops again arrived. By this time, the Appeal had gained notoriety among Union forces as a rebel sympathizer while it remained on the run. The next stop was Meridian, Mississippi, from where, one issue and two days later, the wandering journalists moved on to Mobile, Alabama, then to Montgomery, and ultimately to Atlanta, the economic heart of the Confederacy. Publication from Atlanta began in June 1863 and continued through July 1864, when it returned to Montgomery, where it published from September 1864 to April 1865. Its final move was to Columbus, Georgia, where Federal forces finally caught up with it. It resumed publication following the war in Memphis on November 5, 1865. During just a four year period this newspaper published in nine different cities. (credit: Tennessee State Library & Archives)

Category: Confederate