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Much on the trial of Lincoln's assassination, and the end of the Civil War...

Item # 683269

May 23, 1865

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, May 23, 1865 

* Abraham Lincoln assassination
* Trial of the assassins - traitors

The front page has column heads on the trial of those accused of assassinating President Lincoln: "THE ASSASSINATION" "The Trial on Monday" "Evidence of an Important Witness Suppressed" "Capture of Booth and Harrold" "Testimony of Captain Dougherty" "Antecedents of O'Laughlin" "The Attack on Secretary Seward" "Narrative of Doctor Verdi" "Statement of a Unoin Officer" "An Important Letter to Jeff. Davis" and more.
Also: "Gen, Kirby Smith Assassinated!" "Murder of a Naval Officer" "Occupation of Clinton & Osyska" "Jeff. Davis Remains on Board the Steamer Clyde" and much more.
Eight pages, nice condition.

Category: Yankee