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The Wright brothers' accomplishment mark a 'new epoch'...

Item # 682705

September 11, 1908

OMAHA EVENING BEE, Nebraska, Sept. 11, 1908  

* Early airplane flights
* Orville Wright - Brothers

Page 2 has column heads: "FLYING MACHINES FOR SIX" "Orville Wright Says it is Possible to Operate Them" "May Loop The Loop In Them" "Aviator Turns Down Propositions from Amusement Managers, Which He Has Received by Dozens". Also on page 2: "Conquest of the Air Marked - Aviators Say Wrights' Feats Mark New Epoch" which is a report from Paris.
Page 6 has: "ANOTHER RECORD FOR WRIGHT" "Airplane Stays in Air 65 Minutes and 12 Seconds" "Flight Made In Good Breeze" "Experts Estimate That Machine Will Make 42 Miles an Hour On its Official Trial" with several subheads.
Sixteen pages, some tears at the margins, partially loose at the spine, otherwise good. Fragile & should be handled carefully.

Category: The 20th Century