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Babe Ruth's first game as a Yankee...
Babe Ruth's first game as a Yankee...
Item # 681369
April 15, 1920
THE DAY, New London, Connecticut, April 15, 1920
* Babe Ruth makes his Yankees debut
* MLB - Major League Baseball
The top of page 9 has a brief & inconspicuous mention of the game in which Babe Ruth made his first appearance as a New York Yankee, it being an inauspicious beginning with the top of the column reading: "Babe Ruth, the $150,00 wonder muffed a fly and the lowly Athletics beat the Yankees, 3 to 1" with scores and standings after opening day for the 1920 season.
Complete in 12 pages, toning along the central fold, small binding holes along the spine/1st column, generally nice.
Category: The 20th Century