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Washington & the French are advancing upon New York City...
Washington & the French are advancing upon New York City...
Item # 681161
August 27, 1782
THE ST. JAMES'S CHRONICLE, London, Aug. 27, 1782
* 18th century Revolutionary War Era
* From The Enemy - George Washington
The front page has: "...various accounts from America...brought...from Virginia & some more recent arrivals from the Chesapeake, all agreeing that the plan of combined operation between America and France is against New York; and that an attempt is to be made to possess the island of St. John's. The French force is most probably...operating with General Washington against New York..." and then also a report from Virginia: "...are accounts that the whole French force employed to the southward under General Greene was moving to Washington's head quarters in the Jerseys, probably to attack New York...".
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, good condition.
Category: Revolutionary War