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Capture of Ethan Allen...
Capture of Ethan Allen...
Item # 680937
October 21, 1775
THE PENNSYLVANIA LEDGER, Philadelphia, Oct. 21, 1775
* Ethan Allen captured
* Revolutionary War
The front page includes a letter: "To the King" which references the American situation & includes: "...Let then, royal Sire, the liberty of England and America be ever in your heart, then shall the people be free, and America shall yet be happy in the full enjoyment of her rights...". Also on the ftpg. is: "A Plan for Reducing the Rebellious Colony of New England & for the Support of Legal Constitutional Government in America", and other items from London concerning the situation in America.
Page 3 has what is perhaps the most notable report in this issue: "Our last accounts from St. John's inform us that Col. Allen, with about 30 of our men and 40 Canadians, made an attempt to take possession of Montreal, but that Governor Carleton...had prevailed on a number of the inhabitants to assist some few regulars, who beat off our party, took Col. Allen prisoners, with some others, & as many killed & wounded...The expedition was a thing of Col. Allen's own head, without orders from the Generals...But Allen, as a high flying genius, pursues every scheme on its first impression without considerable & much less judgment..." with more.
Page 3 also has a lengthy letter from a man in London concerning his thoughts on the situation in America, containing some great reading.
Four pages, some numeric notations next to ads (this was the editor's copy), nice condition.
Category: Revolutionary War