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A Winslow Homer Christmas print... Santa Claus...

Item # 680860

January 02, 1869

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 2, 1869  The full front page is a nice print: "A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" showing a full-figure Santa Claus carrying a Christmas tree. Inside is a full page Winslow Homer print: "Christmas Belles" showing a family in a sleigh.
Another full page has: 'Home for the Holidays" and other prints include: "The Christmas Tree" "A Curious Custom Observed by the Greek Church in Russia". "Alaska Relics" "Lynch Law In Indiana - The Vigilance Committee at Work at the New Albany Jail" and "View of Santa Catalina, District of Guantanamo, Cuba".
Sixteen pages, never bound nor trimmed (desired), some mild wear at the margins, generally very nice condition.

Category: 1866-1869