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Broadside declaration of the war's end...

Item # 680430

May 08, 1945

THE STAR, Guernsey (Channel Islands), May 8, 1945 

* Great broadside on end of World War II
* Nazi occupied island is liberated

This English-speaking island in the English Channel was under Nazi control during World War II. This is a broadside issue (a single sheet printed on the front only; back is blank), of larger size than this newspaper typically published.
It is printed in broadside fashion--just one column of text stretching from edge to edge--headed: "THE WAR IS OVER FOR GUERNSEY, German Officers Inform Bailiff of Surrender, Historic States Meeting At Mid-Day To-Day"
Printed on either side of the masthead are: "War Is Over!" and "Good News Issue".
This broadside measures 12 1/4 by 20 inches and is in excellent condition. A terrific and very unusual broadside on the end of the war for this occupied island in the English Channel.

Category: The 20th Century